
July 9, 2021
[Webinar] AuthenTrend and Microsoft Azure Active Directory Protecting the Modern Workplace – July 7th, 2021
No more password is the vision of AuthenTrend. We provide fingerprint enabled authentications with FIPS140-2 Level 3 certified Broadcom Credential Vault in an extremely compact size, fastest fingerprint recognition speed, and extremely low power consumption. We store the registered fingerprint templates and process fingerprints matching in the ATKey.Pro, so the fingerprint identification is not only easier to use but significantly more challenging for criminals to exploit. With FIDO2 capabilities, ATKey.Pro can entirely replace weak static username/password credentials with strong hardware-backed public/private-key credentials. These credentials cannot be reused, replayed, or shared across services. AuthenTrend's ATKey.Pro adheres to the FIDO/WebAuthn protocol that brings about a cross-platform solution of strong authentication, extremely security and without using passwords.
June 22, 2021
AuthenTrend Announces Partnership with
As FIDO2 recognition grows, enterprises and governments are using this technology with smart security cards to create more secure and easier-to-use authentication processes. […]
June 9, 2021
7 Best Passwordless Authentication Solutions for Better Application Security
Quoted from: Techstorify   Passwords are insecure, inconsistent and easy to exploit. And even though their security depends on the user, while using […]
June 9, 2021
AuthenTrend Announces Partnership with CSP
More secure management of your IT security services with MDR Service and FIDO2 security key XDR and SIEM are technologies that can help […]
May 26, 2021
AuthenTrend Releases Firmware Update for ATKey.Pro [Ver 1.00.13]
Starting today, the latest version of ATKey.Pro will be released with Ver 1.00.13 firmware! In order to enhance the PIN and fingerprint credentials’ […]
April 21, 2021
AuthenTrend 和自由系統正式在台啟動「無密碼測試計畫」 – 限時領取優惠展開無密碼之旅!
無密碼將至!生物辨識會是無密碼的一大助力 AuthenTrend 的願景是用生物辨識取代密碼。我們使用 FIPS140-2 Level 3 認證的 Broadcom Credential Vault,以最小的尺寸、最快的指紋識別速度和極低的功耗,提供客戶「結合指紋的安全金鑰」ATKey.Pro 當作無密碼認證的啟動裝置。註冊的指紋存儲在 ATKey.Pro 後,每次驗證都僅在金鑰中處理指紋匹配,因此指紋辨識使用起來更為方便快速,而且大大增加了駭客入侵的難度。通過 FIDO2 的功能,ATKey.Pro 使用安全裝置所支持的公鑰/私鑰憑證來完全取代危險性高的靜態用戶名/密碼,而公私鑰憑證不能重復使用或跨服務共用。ATKey.Pro 亦遵循 FIDO/WebAuthn 協議,提供了一個跨平臺且強大的認證解決方案,讓您的企業免除密碼管理的麻煩與風險。