Quickstart Guide

To integrate and implement on-demand FIDO cloud, simply set up your AT.AuthFi account and register it here with your company's relying party.

Note: Have your ATKey ready before you start. If you don't have an ATKey, you can get one on our Amazon Brand Store.


Register an account with a verified email and ATKey.

After your ATKey is registered, give your ATKey a simple name. Please note that your email will be your unique account ID.

Apply a new RP to AuthFi.

Enter your domain URL as the R/P name (example: myRPdomain.com) in ALLOWED ORIGINS. After RP is ready, you will get your API key. You can also find the API endpoint and API key on the configuration page.

API Document

We provide below APIs for R/P development, please go to API Document to check AT.AuthFi APIs and steps in details. Please follow the sample code of the API document to embed the code directly into your web application. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.