We believe that in a passwordless world, where you will be the only key to everything.

Our company

AuthenTrend is the world's leading brand of fingerprint FIDO security keys (ATKey), and a certified member of Microsoft Information Security Alliance (MISA), also a recommended partner for Windows 10/11 and Azure AD Passwordless login. In addition to fido key, we also provide on-demand fido cloud (AT.AuthFi) that allows enterprises to convert their cloud into passwordless or multi-factor authentication to ensure account security; in addition, we are releasing new fido server for enterprises (AT.LogOn), which enables the use of AD in the company domain users Passwordles login IT system for both security and convenience.

AuthenTrend is leading the way in authentication and identity, our mission is to eliminate passwords by biometrics for higher security and convenience

“ 80% of hacking-related breaches still involving compromised and weak credentials.” By 2019 Verizon DBIR

What we’ve done

AuthenTrend is bringing you to a passwordless world.


Patent Filing


Keys Sold


Contries of Dist. & Resellers




FIDO2, MISA, RSA, etc.

Services Support ATKey


Years of Experience


  • Trademark2020.10 US

    2020.08 Taiwan

    2020.06 EU

  • 2020AT.Wallet CES Innovation Award

    AT.Wallet Launched

    RSA Ready (ATKey.Pro + ATKey.Card)

    FIDO2 Server Certification

  • Patent2019 Standalone Mode (AT.Key)

    2019 Intelligent Wallet Apparatus (AT.Wallet)

    2019 インテリジェントウォレット (AT.Wallet)

    2020 Multi-functional Authentication (ATKey.Card)

    2020 多機能認証装置及びその運用方法 (Japan, ATKey.Card)

  • 2019ATKey.Pro Launched

    ATKey Pro FIDO2 L1 Certification

    Microsoft Intelligent Security Association

  • 2018ATKey.Hello U2F Certification

    ATKey.BLE U2F L1 Certification

    ATKey.BLE Launched

    ATKey.Phone Launched

    ATKey.Card FIDO2 L1 Certification

    ATKey.Card Launched

  • 2016ATKey.Hello Launched

    Microsoft Windows Hello Validation

Compatible with ATKeys

Applications / Services / Platforms support ATKeys

View More

September 1, 2022

WindowsPCの二要素認証「Yubi Plus」に、生体認証鍵を追加

日本情報システム株式会社 (本社:埼玉県狭山市、代表取締役:肥沼 佑樹、以下 NJS) は、WindowsPCの二要素認証プロダクト「Yubi Plus」 に使用するセキュリティ鍵が、 生体認証に対応したことを発表します。   Yubi Plus 製品サイト:https://yubiplus.com/   これにより、生体(指紋)情報に基づいた本人確認を行った上で、 二要素認証が実現可能となります。 要求するセキュリティレベルに応じて、 生体認証鍵(NJS ATKey)または、 既存の物理認証鍵(YubiKey)のいずれかを、 Yubi Plusの認証用USBセキュリティ鍵としてご選択いただけます。   数多くの導入実績がある「Yubi […]
August 23, 2022

Lenovo, Sateraito Office and AuthenTrend Partner to Enable Passwordless Single Sign-On for Japan GIGA School

Sateraito Office Single Sign-On Solution integrated with AuthenTrend AT.AuthFi (on-demand FIDO2 cloud) and ATKey.Pro (fingerprint enabled FIDO2 USB key) on top of Lenovo […]
August 17, 2022


全球都在關注的網路安全零信任轉型, 臺灣政府也要開始行動了! 目前我國最新規畫出爐, 現階段2022年8月正遴選導入試行的機關, 後續將優先推動A級公務機關逐步導入, 同時也將促進國內資安業者發展相關產業鏈 零信任架構(Zero Trust Architecture,ZTA)備受資安圈與全球政府重視, 不只是美國政府在近一年來提出具體規畫, 我國政府今年亦將開始行動, 根據行政院國家資通安全會報技術服務中心(以下簡稱技服中心),他們在7月中旬揭露相關資訊, 並指出為了強化政府資安防護, 導入零信任網路已經成為既定政策, 目前確定將優先推動國內A級機關逐步導入。 在身分鑑別機制上, 包含聚焦多因子身分鑑別, 以及簽章與加密的身分鑑別聲明。 也就是FIDO多因子身分鑑別機制, 可使用實體安全金鑰或手機APP,進行無密碼登入; 後者則是由鑑別聲明伺服器發行給使用者的存取授權證明, 包括JWT或SAML標準格式, 透過鑑別聲明函式庫(API), […]

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